
Muhammad Awais et al. present the DeepApprox framework for approximate accelerator synthesis

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Ahmed et al. introduce a novel Trojan attack in FPGAs.

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Christian Lienen and co-authors present AutonomROS

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On September 21, Tim Hansmeier successfully defended his dissertation “XCS for Self-Awareness in Autonomous Computing Systems”

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Christian Lienen and co-authors discuss how to optimize communication in ROS 2

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Christian Lienen and co-authors present a novel ROS 2 data distribution service

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Lennart Clausing et al. show real-time scheduling on FPGAs

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FPGA-acceleration demonstrated on autonomous car swarm

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The Computer Engineering Group welcomes Atousa Jafari as new research associate!

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The Computer Engineering Group welcomes Christoph Berganski as new research associate!

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Qazi Arbab Ahmed et al. discuss trojans in approximate circuits

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Paper published at the Design Automation Conference 2022 awarded

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On November 8th, Linus Witschen successfully defended his dissertation “Frameworks and Methodologies for Search-based Approximate Logic Synthesis”

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Felix Jentzsch et al. demonstrate custom-tailored FPGA accelerators for a RadioML application.

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Christian Lienen and Marco Platzner present the ReconROS approach to the robotics community.

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