1 | module Decrementer_Check(in,i,j,out,error);
2 | input [63:0] in;
3 | input [31:0] i;
4 | input [31:0] j;
5 | input [63:0] out;
6 | output error;
7 |
8 | wire [30:0] in1;
9 | wire [30:0] in2;
10 | wire [30:0] out1;
11 | wire [30:0] out2;
12 | wire sign_in1;
13 | wire sign_in2;
14 | wire sign_out1;
15 | wire sign_out2;
16 |
17 | assign in1 = in[30:0];
18 | assign in2 = in[62:32];
19 | assign out1 = out[30:0];
20 | assign out2 = out[62:32];
21 |
22 | assign sign_in1 = in[31];
23 | assign sign_in2 = in[63];
24 | assign sign_out1 = out[31];
25 | assign sign_out2 = out[63];
26 |
27 | wire in1_or_reduced;
28 | wire in1_eq_zero;
29 | wire in1_lt_zero;
30 | wire in1_gt_zero;
31 | wire in1_eq_min;
32 | assign in1_or_reduced = |in1;
33 | assign in1_eq_zero = ~sign_in1 & ~in1_or_reduced;
34 | assign in1_lt_zero = sign_in1;
35 | assign in1_gt_zero = ~sign_in1 & in1_or_reduced;
36 | assign in1_eq_min = sign_in1 & ~in1_or_reduced;
37 |
38 | wire in2_or_reduced;
39 | wire in2_eq_zero;
40 | wire in2_lt_zero;
41 | wire in2_gt_zero;
42 | wire in2_eq_min;
43 | assign in2_or_reduced = |in2;
44 | assign in2_eq_zero = ~sign_in2 & ~in2_or_reduced;
45 | assign in2_lt_zero = sign_in2;
46 | assign in2_gt_zero = ~sign_in2 & in2_or_reduced;
47 | assign in2_eq_min = sign_in2 & ~in2_or_reduced;
48 |
49 | wire out1_or_reduced;
50 | wire out1_and_reduced;
51 | wire out1_eq_zero;
52 | wire out1_lt_zero;
53 | wire out1_gt_zero;
54 | wire out1_eq_min;
55 | assign out1_or_reduced = |out1;
56 | assign out1_and_reduced = &out1;
57 | assign out1_eq_zero = ~sign_out1 & ~out1_or_reduced;
58 | assign out1_lt_zero = sign_out1;
59 | assign out1_gt_zero = ~sign_out1 & out1_or_reduced;
60 | assign out1_eq_min = sign_out1 & ~out1_or_reduced;
61 |
62 | wire out2_or_reduced;
63 | wire out2_and_reduced;
64 | wire out2_eq_zero;
65 | wire out2_lt_zero;
66 | wire out2_gt_zero;
67 | wire out2_eq_min;
68 | assign out2_or_reduced = |out2;
69 | assign out2_and_reduced = &out2;
70 | assign out2_eq_zero = ~sign_out2 & ~out2_or_reduced;
71 | assign out2_lt_zero = sign_out2;
72 | assign out2_gt_zero = ~sign_out2 & out2_or_reduced;
73 | assign out2_eq_min = sign_out2 & ~out2_or_reduced;
74 |
75 | // has to be of the form (0)*(1)+
76 | wire [30:0] in1_xor_out1;
77 | wire [30:0] in2_xor_out2;
78 | assign in1_xor_out1 = (in1 ^ out1);
79 | assign in2_xor_out2 = (in2 ^ out2);
80 |
81 |
82 |
83 | // Premise: i == j and (in2 - in1 == (j - i))
84 | // Conclusion: out2 - out1 == (j - i)
85 | wire [31:0] diffin2in1;
86 | wire [31:0] diffij;
87 | wire [31:0] diffout2out1;
88 | assign diffin2in1 = (in[63:32] - in[31:0]);
89 | assign diffij = (j - i);
90 | assign diffout2out1 = (out[63:32] - out[31:0]);
91 |
92 | wire di2i1_eq_dij;
93 | wire do2o1_eq_dij;
94 | wire i_eq_j;
95 | assign di2i1_eq_dij = &(~(diffin2in1 ^ diffij));
96 | assign do2o1_eq_dij = &(~(diffout2out1 ^ diffij));
97 | assign i_eq_j = &(~(i ^ j));
98 |
99 | wire implication1;
100 | assign implication1 = ~(i_eq_j & di2i1_eq_dij) | do2o1_eq_dij;
101 |
102 | wire all_implications_hold;
103 | assign all_implications_hold =
104 | implication1;
105 |
106 | assign error = ~all_implications_hold;
107 |
108 | endmodule
109 |