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AG­DIS­TIS - Agno­stic Na­med En­ti­ty Di­sam­bi­gua­ti­on Fra­me­work

More than one exabyte of data is added to the Web every day1.  Automatic extraction of knowledge from this data demands the use of efficient Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques such as text aggregation, text summarization and knowledge extraction. One of the most important NLP tasks is Entity Linking (EL), also known as Named Entity Disambiguation (NED). Informally, the goal here is as follows: Given a piece of text, a reference knowledge base K and a set of entity mentions in that text, map each entity mention to the corresponding resource in K.  

Several challenges have to be addressed when dealing with EL. For example, an entity can have a large number of Surface Forms (SF) (also known as labels) due to synonymy, acronyms and typos. For example, New York City, NY and Big Apple are all labels for the same entity. Moreover, multiple entities can share the same name due to homonymy and ambiguity. For example, both the state and the city of New York are called New York. 

Therefore, EL has recently been the subject of a significant body of research. Although, there is a multitude of significant EL approaches, most of them focus only on the English language. We present AGDISTIS to address this gap in other languages.

AGDISTIS is an Open Source Named Entity Disambiguation Framework published in 2014 at ISWC2 that is able to link entities to every Linked Data Knowledge Base. AGDISTIS combines the graph-based algorithms with label expansion strategies and string similarity measures. Based on this combination, it can efficiently detect the correct URIs for a given set of named entities within an input text.

The latest version of AGDISTIS comprises a  novel algorithm called MAG3 which contains additional normalization patterns for dealing with abbreviations, user’s typos and unseen surface forms of a given entity. These patterns are based on multilingual methods thus making AGDISTIS capable of working on multiple languages. Additionally, MAG performs an extra search considering the document’s context information. This context capability allows MAG to increase its quality, ensuring the result contains more related entities through their relationships from a given KB. Moreover, MAG is able to disambiguate also common nouns, such as medicine, as opposed to only named entities such as Aspirin. Finally, MAG relies on two graph-based algorithms - HITS and PageRank while disambiguating.     

How to run AGDISTIS?

The current version of AGDISTIS should be run by following the instructions <link https: aksw agdistis wiki>on wiki. In the future, we will provide a Docker container and instructions for how to use it.

You can also ask our multilingual endpoints from command line via curl.

curl --data-urlencode "text='The <entity>University of Leipzig</entity> in <entity>Barack Obama</entity>.'" -d type='agdistis'


curl --data-urlencode "text='Die Stadt <entity>Dresden</entity> liegt in <entity>Sachsen</entity>.'" -d type='agdistis'

curl --data-urlencode "text='The <entity>shanghai</entity> in <entity>北京市</entity>.'" -d type='agdistis'

With the extension MAG, it is possible to select one of the two disambiguation algorithms and also to send and retrieve data in NIF format4. In addition, MAG returns  the score per candidate if requested.  The commands below are not working currently in our web services, to use them requires the installation of AGDISTIS locally:

curl --data-urlencode "text='The <entity>University of Leipzig</entity> in <entity>Barack Obama</entity>.'" -d type='candidates' localhost/AGDISTIS

or if you want to use a larger text or NIF file:

curl --data-urlencode "text@test.txt" -d type=agdistis localhost/AGDISTIS
curl --data-urlencode "text@nif.ttl" -d type=agdistis localhost/AGDISTIS

Please note that every entity that one needs to disambiguate must be recognized beforehand by a NER tool such as FOX since AGDISTIS is only an entity linking tool.

4 <link http: nlp2rdf>

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