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LIM­BO - stea­di­ly pa­cing to­wards mo­bi­li­ty

Close to the end of the 8th month of its development, <link http: projects active-projects limbo _blank>LIMBO is pacing forward to take mobility data out of oblivion. Rightly standing up to its name, <link http: projects active-projects limbo _blank>LIMBO elevates available mobility data out of the limbo state of unstructuredness and non-connectivity, to meaningful and structured data that can be employed in a variety of scenarios.

The <link http: about _blank>DICE group is a major stakeholder in this collaborative development. Pitching into data integration and fusion, <link http: about _blank>DICE has a versatile palette of artifacts to offer. The development here at <link http: about _blank>DICE has firm grounds with the state of the art rather than just being exploratory. <link http: about _blank>DICE is implementing and extending the data fusion/integration, data elevation/enrichment and keyword/question answering search for the initial use cases around <link https: _blank>mCloud.

It begins with <link http: projects active-projects fox _blank>FOX - a Named Entity Recognition framework, which administers the federation of RDF extraction from unstructured text. This brings <link http: projects active-projects deer _blank>DEER - RDF Data Enrichment Framework, to focus on the data enrichment, which pops <link http: projects active-projects limes _blank>LIMES - Link Discovery Framework for Metric Spaces, into the limelight for data fusion. Moreover, we are developing <link https: dice-group squirrel _blank>Squirrel - a Linked Data Crawler, for exploring the Web of Data for more useful mobility resources. These artifacts ensure data elevation, enrichment, fusion, and integration, hence deploying an orchestrated data breeding concept. Finally, the ball lands in the field of search and dataset search. Questions are to be answered, things have to be searched! Finally, technologies based on <link http: projects hawk _blank>HAWK will fly through the <link https: _blank>mCloud and fetch all the answers for the user.

Though it is too early to predict the cohesion and collision between the different integration components that <link http: about _blank>DICE has to offer, we proceed with the positive certainty that all good parts when brought together can yield better results and best impact! 

Do not hesitate to contact us in case of any discrepancies or suggestions!