In­vi­ted Talk by Mat­tia Mos­sa­no about Phi­shing as part of the lec­ture "Usa­ble Se­cu­ri­ty and Pri­va­cy"

As part of our lecture "Usable Security and Privacy" we had the honour to welcome Mattia Mossano from the SECUSO group at KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) on 4th of July. He gave an exciting talk about current solutions and open challenges of phishing, from his experience as a researcher in this area. Thank you, Mattia!

Phishing is a malicious online activity where cybercriminals deceive individuals into revealing sensitive information. They impersonate trustworthy entities, such as reputable companies or legitimate websites, to gain victims' trust. The most common method is through phishing emails, which appear genuine and often mimic official communication from banks or popular online services.