Ci­ty of Pa­der­born

Situated at the heart of Germany, midway between the Northern Lowlands and the mountainous central region, the charming city of Paderborn is full of many diverse and delightful attractions.
The city has numerous qualities to tempt the visitor. With over 1200 years of history to its credit, it is steeped in historical tradition, which has shaped the cityscape. The many parks and green spaces beginning right by the shopping precinct at Pader Springs are much appreciated by city-dwellers and visitors alike. Despite the recent modernization and expansion of the city, it remains a user-friendly place that can be easily navigated. In comparison with other cities, inhabitants have only a short distance to travel from home to work. Paderborn's appeal thus lies in the combination of many different qualities. Ancient and modern, sacred and spiritual, economic and political are all combined, each contributing to the city's distinctive character.

For further information see:

Paderborn Cityportal (de)

Paderborn Cityportal (en)

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