N.J. KOUAGOU, C. Demir, H.M.A. Zahera, A. Wilke, S. Heindorf, J. Li, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: Companion Proceedings of the ACM on Web Conference 2024, ACM, 2024.
A.F. Firmansyah, D. Moussallem, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: The Semantic Web, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2024.
Y. Mahmood, J. Virtema, T. Barlag, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2024.
M. Hecher, Y. Mahmood, A. Meier, J. Schmidt, in: Proceedings of the Thirty-ThirdInternational Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2024.
J. Kontinen, Y. Mahmood, A. Meier, H. Vollmer, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science (2024) 1–15.
D. Mindlin, F. Beer, L.N. Sieger, S. Heindorf, P. Cimiano, E. Esposito, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, (2024).
R. Sapkota, D. Köhler, S. Heindorf, in: Proceedings of the 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM ’24), ACM, Boise, Idaho, USA, 2024.
J. Li, S. Satheesh, S. Heindorf, D. Moussallem, R. Speck, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2024.
J.K. Fichte, M. Hecher, Y. Mahmood, A. Meier, in: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, IOS Press, 2024.
N. Karalis, A. Bigerl, C. Demir, L. Heidrich, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2024.
A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, C. Demir, N.J. Kouagou, S. Heindorf, N. Karalis, A. Bigerl, in: Compendium of Neurosymbolic Artificial Intelligence, IOS Press, 2023, pp. 272–286.
C. Demir, M. Wiebesiek, R. Lu, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, S. Heindorf, ECML PKDD (2023).
N.J. Kouagou, S. Heindorf, C. Demir, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: Research Track, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2023.
L.N. Sieger, S. Heindorf, L. Blübaum, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, ArXiv:2301.05109 (2023).
M. Röder, D. Kuchelev, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: F. Ortiz-Rodriguez, B. Villazón-Terrazas, S. Tiwari, C. Bobed (Eds.), Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2023, pp. 183–198.
A.F.A. Ahmed, A.F. Firmansyah, M. Sherif, D. Moussallem, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: Natural Language Processing and Information Systems, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2023.
A. Manzoor, M. Saleem, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: 2023 IEEE 17th International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC), 2023, pp. 274–277.
M. Röder, Automating the Discovery of Linking Candidates, Paderborn University, 2023.
N.J. KOUAGOU, S. Heindorf, C. Demir, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: NeSy 2023, 17th International Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning, Certosa Di Pontignano, Siena, Italy, CEUR-WS, 2023.
H.M.A. Zahera, F. Vitiugin, M. Sherif, C. Castillo, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: SEMANTiCS, 2023.
A. Wilke, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: The Semantic Web (ESWC 2023), 2023.
N. Karalis, A. Bigerl, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: SEMANTiCS, 2023.
Y. Mahmood, A. Meier, J. Schmidt, ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 24 (2023) 1–25.
J.K. Fichte, M. Hecher, Y. Mahmood, A. Meier, in: Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2023.
Y. Mahmood, J. Virtema, in: Logic, Language, Information, and Computation, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2023.
M. Hannula, M. Hirvonen, J. Kontinen, Y. Mahmood, A. Meier, J. Virtema, in: 18th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence, JELIA 2023, Proceedings, 2023.
J.M. Hanselle, E. Hüllermeier, F. Mohr, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, M. Sherif, A. Tornede, M.D. Wever, in: C.-J. Haake, F. Meyer auf der Heide, M. Platzner, H. Wachsmuth, H. Wehrheim (Eds.), On-The-Fly Computing – Individualized IT-Services in Dynamic Markets, Heinz Nixdorf Institut, Universität Paderborn, 2023, pp. 85–104.
N. Srivastava, A. Perevalov, D. Kuchelev, D. Moussallem, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, A. Both, in: K.B. Venable, D. Garijo, B. Jalaian (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th Knowledge Capture Conference 2023, {K-CAP} 2023, Pensacola, FL, USA, December 5-7, 2023, ACM, 2023, pp. 122–130.
C. Demir, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XXI: 21st International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis, IDA 2023, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, April 12–14, 2023, Proceedings, 2023, pp. 103–115.
A. Becker, A.F.A. Ahmed, M. Sherif, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: SEMANTiCS, 2023.
A. Manzoor, M. Saleem, D. Moussallem, M.A. Sherif, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: The Semantic Web, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2023.
M.A. Sherif, A.A.M. da Silva, S. Pestryakova, A.F. Ahmed, S. Niemann, A.-C.N. Ngomo, Scientific Data 10 (2023).
N.J. KOUAGOU, S. Heindorf, C. Demir, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: C. Pesquita, E. Jimenez-Ruiz, J. McCusker, D. Faria, M. Dragoni, A. Dimou, R. Troncy, S. Hertling (Eds.), The Semantic Web - 20th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2023), Springer International Publishing, 2023, pp. 209–226.
C. Demir, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2023).
F.M. Schloots, Mit dem Leben Schritt halten - Eine Analyse des Wearable-Dispositivs, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, 2023.
R.H. Gusmita, A.F. Firmansyah, D. Moussallem, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: Natural Language Processing and Information Systems, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2023.
H.M. Zahera, D. Vollmers, M.A. Sherif, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: U. Sattler, A. Hogan, C.M. Keet, V. Presutti, J.P.A. Almeida, H. Takeda, P. Monnin, G. Pirrò, C. d’Amato (Eds.), The Semantic Web - ISWC 2022 - 21st International Semantic Web Conference, Virtual Event, October 23-27, 2022, Proceedings, Springer, 2022, pp. 303–318.
A. Perevalov, A. Both, D. Diefenbach, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: F. Laforest, R. Troncy, E. Simperl, D. Agarwal, A. Gionis, I. Herman, L. Médini (Eds.), WWW ’22: The ACM Web Conference 2022, Virtual Event, Lyon, France, April 25 - 29, 2022, ACM, 2022, pp. 977–986.
M. Saleem, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, DE, eds., Proceedings of the QuWeDa 2022: 6th Workshop on Storing, Querying and Benchmarking Knowledge Graphs Co-Located with 21st International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2022), Hangzhou, China, 23-27 October 2022,, 2022.
A. Bigerl, L. Conrads, C. Behning, M. Saleem, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: U. Sattler, A. Hogan, C.M. Keet, V. Presutti, J.P.A. Almeida, H. Takeda, P. Monnin, G. Pirrò, C. d’Amato (Eds.), The Semantic Web - ISWC 2022 - 21st International Semantic Web Conference, Virtual Event, October 23-27, 2022, Proceedings, Springer, 2022, pp. 57–73.
M. Ali, M. Saleem, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: U. Sattler, A. Hogan, C.M. Keet, V. Presutti, J.P.A. Almeida, H. Takeda, P. Monnin, G. Pirrò, C. d’Amato (Eds.), The Semantic Web - ISWC 2022 - 21st International Semantic Web Conference, Virtual Event, October 23-27, 2022, Proceedings, Springer, 2022, pp. 643–659.
C. Demir, A. Himmelhuber, Y. Liu, A. Bigerl, D. Moussallem, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: A. Dimou, A. Haller, A.L. Gentile, P. Ristoski (Eds.), Proceedings of the ISWC 2022 Posters, Demos and Industry Tracks: From Novel Ideas to Industrial Practice Co-Located with 21st International Semantic Web Conference {(ISWC} 2022), Virtual Conference, Hangzhou, China, October 23-27, 2022,, 2022.
C. Stadler, M. Saleem, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: M. Saleem, A.-C.N. Ngomo (Eds.), Proceedings of the QuWeDa 2022: 6th Workshop on Storing, Querying and Benchmarking Knowledge Graphs Co-Located with 21st International Semantic Web Conference {(ISWC} 2022), Hangzhou, China, 23-27 October 2022,, 2022, pp. 49–64.
C. Demir, J. Lienen, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: A. Bellogín, L. Boratto, F. Cena (Eds.), HT ’22: 33rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, Barcelona, Spain, 28 June 2022- 1 July 2022, ACM, 2022, pp. 1–10.
A. Perevalov, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, A. Both, in: 16th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, ICSC 2022, Laguna Hills, CA, USA, January 26-28, 2022, IEEE, 2022, pp. 251–256.
H.M. Zahera, S. Heindorf, S. Balke, J. Haupt, M. Voigt, C. Walter, F. Witter, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: P. Groth, A. Rula, J. Schneider, I. Tiddi, E. Simperl, P. Alexopoulos, R. Hoekstra, M. Alam, A. Dimou, M. Tamper (Eds.), The Semantic Web: ESWC 2022 Satellite Events - Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, May 29 - June 2, 2022, Proceedings, Springer, 2022, pp. 47–51.
A. Bondarenko, M. Wolska, S. Heindorf, L. Blübaum, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, B. Stein, P. Braslavski, M. Hagen, M. Potthast, in: N. Calzolari, C.-R. Huang, H. Kim, J. Pustejovsky, L. Wanner, K.-S. Choi, P.-M. Ryu, H.-H. Chen, L. Donatelli, H. Ji, S. Kurohashi, P. Paggio, N. Xue, S. Kim, Y. Hahm, Z. He, T.K. Lee, E. Santus, F. Bond, S.-H. Na (Eds.), Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, COLING 2022, Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, October 12-17, 2022, International Committee on Computational Linguistics, 2022, pp. 3296–3308.
A. Hogan, E. Blomqvist, M. Cochez, C. d’Amato, G. de Melo, C. Gutierrez, S. Kirrane, J.E.L. Gayo, R. Navigli, S. Neumaier, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, A. Polleres, S.M. Rashid, A. Rula, L. Schmelzeisen, J.F. Sequeda, S. Staab, A. Zimmermann, ACM Comput. Surv. 54 (2022) 71:1–71:37.
W. Ali, M. Saleem, B. Yao, A. Hogan, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, VLDB J. 31 (2022) 1–26.
C. Demir, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, Softw. Impacts 13 (2022) 100377.
S. Deppe, L. Brandt, M. Brünninghaus, J. Papenkordt, S. Heindorf, G. Tschirner-Vinke, (2022).
N.J. KOUAGOU, S. Heindorf, C. Demir, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: The Semantic Web, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2022.
S. Heindorf, L. Blübaum, N. Düsterhus, T. Werner, V.N. Golani, C. Demir, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: WWW, ACM, 2022, pp. 818–828.
S. Pestryakova, D. Vollmers, M. Sherif, S. Heindorf, M. Saleem, D. Moussallem, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, Scientific Data (2022).
L.N. Sieger, J. Hermann, A. Schomäcker, S. Heindorf, C. Meske, C.-C. Hey, A. Doğangün, in: International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction, ACM, 2022.
A. Manzoor, M. Saleem, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: The Semantic Web – ISWC 2022, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2022.
H.M.A. Zahera, S. Heindorf, S. Balke, J. Haupt, M. Voigt, C. Walter, F. Witter, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: The Semantic Web: ESWC 2022 Satellite Events, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2022.
A. Bondarenko, M. Wolska, S. Heindorf, L. Blübaum, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, B. Stein, P. Braslavski, M. Hagen, M. Potthast, in: Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, International Committee on Computational Linguistics, Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 2022, pp. 3296–3308.
F.M. Schloots, Rabbit Eye - Zeitschrift für Filmforschung 12 (2022) 65–77.
F.M. Schloots, ffk Journal 6 (2022) 74–91.
A. Fathi Ahmed, M. Ahmed Sherif, D. Moussallem, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, Data Knowl. Eng. 133 (2021) 101874.
M. Röder, P. Frerk, F. Conrads, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: R. Verborgh, K. Hose, H. Paulheim, P.-A. Champin, M. Maleshkova, O. Corcho, P. Ristoski, M. Alam (Eds.), The Semantic Web - 18th International Conference, {ESWC} 2021, Virtual Event, June 6-10, 2021, Proceedings, Springer, 2021, pp. 93–108.
M. Ali, M. Saleem, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: R. Verborgh, A. Dimou, A. Hogan, C. d’Amato, I. Tiddi, A. Br{\"{o}}ring, S. Maier, F. Ongenae, R. Tommasini, M. Alam (Eds.), The Semantic Web: {ESWC} 2021 Satellite Events - Virtual Event, June 6-10, 2021, Revised Selected Papers, Springer, 2021, pp. 136–140.
M. Ali, M. Saleem, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: R. Verborgh, A. Dimou, A. Hogan, C. d’Amato, I. Tiddi, A. Br{\"{o}}ring, S. Maier, F. Ongenae, R. Tommasini, M. Alam (Eds.), The Semantic Web: {ESWC} 2021 Satellite Events - Virtual Event, June 6-10, 2021, Revised Selected Papers, Springer, 2021, pp. 136–140.
M. Shahzad, A. Amin, D. Esteves, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: E. Bell, F. Keshtkar (Eds.), Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, North Miami Beach, Florida, USA, May 17-19, 2021, 2021.
M. Röder, P. Thuy Sy Nguyen, F. Conrads, A. Alexandra Morim da Silva, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: 15th {IEEE} International Conference on Semantic Computing, {ICSC} 2021, Laguna Hills, CA, USA, January 27-29, 2021, {IEEE}, 2021, pp. 62–69.
A. Amer Desouki, F. Conrads, M. Röder, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: 15th {IEEE} International Conference on Semantic Computing, {ICSC} 2021, Laguna Hills, CA, USA, January 27-29, 2021, {IEEE}, 2021, pp. 76–79.
C. Demir, D. Moussallem, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: 15th {IEEE} International Conference on Semantic Computing, {ICSC} 2021, Laguna Hills, CA, USA, January 27-29, 2021, {IEEE}, 2021, pp. 179–182.
R. G. Athreya, S. Kona Bansal, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, R. Usbeck, in: 15th {IEEE} International Conference on Semantic Computing, {ICSC} 2021, Laguna Hills, CA, USA, January 27-29, 2021, {IEEE}, 2021, pp. 195–198.
R. Jalota, D. Vollmers, D. Moussallem, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: 15th {IEEE} International Conference on Semantic Computing, {ICSC} 2021, Laguna Hills, CA, USA, January 27-29, 2021, {IEEE}, 2021, pp. 221–226.
A. Wilke, A. Bannoura, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: 15th {IEEE} International Conference on Semantic Computing, {ICSC} 2021, Laguna Hills, CA, USA, January 27-29, 2021, {IEEE}, 2021, pp. 241–247.
M. Röder, G. de Souza, D. Kuchelev, A. Amer Desouki, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: 15th {IEEE} International Conference on Semantic Computing, {ICSC} 2021, Laguna Hills, CA, USA, January 27-29, 2021, {IEEE}, 2021, pp. 272–279.
A. Alexandra Morim da Silva, M. Röder, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: A. Hotho, E. Blomqvist, S. Dietze, A. Fokoue, Y. Ding, P. M. Barnaghi, A. Haller, M. Dragoni, H. Alani (Eds.), The Semantic Web - {ISWC} 2021 - 20th International Semantic Web Conference, {ISWC} 2021, Virtual Event, October 24-28, 2021, Proceedings, Springer, 2021, pp. 270–286.
C. Demir, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: R. Verborgh, K. Hose, H. Paulheim, P.-}Antoine Champin, M. Maleshkova, O. Corcho, P. Ristoski, M. Alam (Eds.), The Semantic Web - 18th International Conference, {ESWC} 2021, Virtual Event, June 6-10, 2021, Proceedings, Springer, 2021, pp. 409–424.
R. Speck, D. Moussallem, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: 15th {IEEE} International Conference on Semantic Computing, {ICSC} 2021, Laguna Hills, CA, USA, January 27-29, 2021, {IEEE}, 2021, pp. 298–305.
C. Demir, D. Moussallem, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, CoRR abs/2101.09090 (2021).
W. Ali, M. Saleem, B. Yao, A. Hogan, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, CoRR abs/2102.13027 (2021).
D. Vollmers, R. Jalota, D. Moussallem, H. Topiwala, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, R. Usbeck, CoRR abs/2103.06752 (2021).
A. Sharma, C. Demir, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, H. Wehrheim, CoRR abs/2105.00741 (2021).
A. Wilke, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, CoRR abs/2105.03161 (2021).
C. Demir, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, CoRR abs/2105.12524 (2021).
C. Demir, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, CoRR abs/2106.15373 (2021).
A. Sharma, C. Demir, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, H. Wehrheim, in: Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), IEEE, n.d.
H. M. Zahera, R. Jalota, M. Ahmed Sherif, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, {IEEE} Access 9 (2021) 118861–118870.
A. Hogan, E. Blomqvist, M. Cochez, C. d’Amato, G. de Melo, C. Guti{\’{e}}rrez, S. Kirrane, J. Emilio Labra Gayo, R. Navigli, S. Neumaier, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, A. Polleres, S. M. Rashid, A. Rula, L. Schmelzeisen, J. F. Sequeda, S. Staab, A. Zimmermann, {ACM} Comput. Surv. 54 (2021) 71:1-71:37.
R. Feldhans, A. Wilke, S. Heindorf, M.H. Shaker, B. Hammer, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, E. Hüllermeier, in: Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning – IDEAL 2021, Cham, 2021.
A. Wilke, A. Bannoura, A.-C.N. Ngonga Ngomo, in: 2021 IEEE 15th International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC), 2021, pp. 241–247.
A.F. Firmansyah, D. Moussallem, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: Proceedings of the 11th on Knowledge Capture Conference, ACM, Virtual Event, USA, 2021, pp. 73–80.
R. Feldhans, A. Wilke, S. Heindorf, M.H. Shaker, B. Hammer, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, E. Hüllermeier, in: Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning – IDEAL 2021, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2021.
C. Demir, D. Moussallem, S. Heindorf, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: The 13th Asian Conference on Machine Learning, ACML 2021, 2021.
T. Nickchen, S. Heindorf, G. Engels, in: 2021 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), IEEE, 2021.
K.J. Rohlfing, P. Cimiano, I. Scharlau, T. Matzner, H.M. Buhl, H. Buschmeier, E. Esposito, A. Grimminger, B. Hammer, R. Haeb-Umbach, I. Horwath, E. Hüllermeier, F. Kern, S. Kopp, K. Thommes, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, C. Schulte, H. Wachsmuth, P. Wagner, B. Wrede, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems 13 (2021) 717–728.
U. Qudus, M. Saleem, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, Y.-K. Lee, Semantic Web 12 (n.d.) 843–868.
H.M.A. Zahera, S. Heindorf, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: Proceedings of the 11th on Knowledge Capture Conference, ACM, 2021.
H. Khan, A. Manzoor, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, M. Saleem, in: Studies on the Semantic Web, IOS Press, 2021.
A. Manzoor, M. Saleem, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: The Semantic Web: ESWC 2021 Satellite Events, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2021.
Y. Mahmood, A. Meier, J. Schmidt, Journal of Logic and Computation 31 (2021) 266–296.
D.C. Moussalem, Knowledge Graphs for Multilingual Language Translation and Generation, 2020.
S. Heindorf, Y. Scholten, H. Wachsmuth, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, M. Potthast, in: Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2020), 2020, pp. 3023–3030.
M. Röder, M. Sherif, M. Saleem, F. Conrads, A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, in: I. Tiddi, F. Lécué, P. Hitzler (Eds.), Knowledge Graphs for EXplainable Artificial Intelligence: Foundations, Applications and Challenges, IOS Press, 2020, pp. 73–97.
Show all publications