Pro­gnos­is: In­form­a­tion on re­cur­ring and up­com­ing courses

Prof. Hüllermeier recently accepted an offer by the University of Munich (LMU) and left Paderborn University. Compulsory lectures are held by other instructors instead of Prof. Hüllermeier. Elective courses can only take place if a substitute can be found.

Course Table (prognosis unclear)
Mode Level Language Course CP
Summer Terms Bachelor German Grundlagen
Intelligenter Systeme
6 CP (3V+2Ü)
Winter Terms Master English Machine Learning I 6 CP (3V+2Ü)
Summer Terms Master English Machine Learning II 6 CP (3V+2Ü)
Every Term Ba/Ma Ger/Eng Research Seminar:
Machine Learning
Further information: