Prac­ti­cal Usa­ble Se­cu­ri­ty and Pri­va­cy

Course, Bachelor, Winter 2021/22, L.079.05545

Students taking this lecture will gain practical knowledge about usable security and privacy:

  1. from the technical side, by programming an application for usable security, or
  2. from the human behavior research side, through the design and pretest of a user study.

Students will work alone or in small teams to develop an usable security concept with dedicated mentorship along the way. At the end, they will submit a technical report or paper and present their application or study design and preliminary results in a conference-style format.

Programming Track Topics

  • Visualization app to explore Facebook behavioural data collection

User Study Track Topics

  • Neurotechnologies, Neuroprivacy, and User Acceptance
  • Exploring users ability to opt-out from FB data collection practices