
To pass this course you need to fulfill the following:

  • Pass the written exam.

1st Part

  • Reach 30% of the sum of all possible points. I. e. if all corrected exercises add up to a total of 100 exercise sheet points, 30 points are required to pass this part.

2nd Part

(Only students of the new examination regulations)

  • Submit a paper summary until the 06.01.2020,
  • Successfully complete the laboratory: Solve at least 5 of 9 lab exercises.

Personal Information Sheet Corona

General Information for Exams

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Jürgen König

Spezifikation und Modellierung von Softwaresystemen

E-Mail schreiben +49 5251 60-1715
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Felix Pauck

Spezifikation und Modellierung von Softwaresystemen

E-Mail schreiben +49 5251 60-1765