Re­sea­rch Pa­pers

In the 2nd part of this course each participant registered under the new examination regulations has to summarize one research paper. The summary should be less than or equal to two pages long and summarize the most important contributions of the paper. This is a mandatory task (new examination regulations).

Write your summary in LaTeX and use the template provided in PANDA (Submissions that do not use this template will not be accepted): Lecture/ (or

The summary has to be submitted until the 06.01.2020 via e-mail to Jürgen König.

The contents of the paper will be part of the exam for every participant registered under the new examination regulations.

Research Paper:

  • Galeotti JP, Furia CA, May E, Fraser G, Zeller A. Inferring loop invariants by mutation, dynamic analysis, and static checking. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 2015 May 11;41(10):1019-37. (Link)
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Jürgen König

Spezifikation und Modellierung von Softwaresystemen

E-Mail schreiben +49 5251 60-1715
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Felix Pauck

Spezifikation und Modellierung von Softwaresystemen

E-Mail schreiben +49 5251 60-1765