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DIES­EL - Search En­gine for En­ter­prise Data

Website: <link https: _blank>

DICE supports the development of the DIESEL search engine with its expertise in Semantic Search Engines and understanding user intentions. DICE will implement and extend the knowledge extraction, query federation and semantic search prototype modules for the initial use case demonstration around DBpedia. The DIESEL search engine provides a toolbox of libraries for a) the large-scale transformation of unstructured and semi-structured data into RDF (FOX, AGDISTIS, TAIPAN), b) the creation of SPARQL queries from keywords and other input methods (SESSA) and c) means to query several large knowledge bases at once in a federated way (CostFed).  

DIESEL is a 3-year Eurostars project which will end in August 2018. By then we hope to provide a first prototype implementation of a DIESEL search engine over large knowledge bases. Our partners, Zazuko and Metaphacts, are also working on use case w.r.t. Wikidata as well as Swiss archival data.

If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact us.