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OPAL - Auto­mat­ing Metadata Pro­cessing for the Open Data Portal Ger­many

<link http: en>OPAL strives to research and develop an integrated portal for open data, using existing open data from mCLOUD and MDM.  Unlike the majority of existing open data portals, OPAL will refine metadata and transform it into 5-Star Linked Open Data. The portal will thus ensure that data records can be easily found and accessed by both people and software agents, e. g., other data portals, data-driven applications, etc.

OPAL’s unique selling points are:

  1. Its technical basis in the form of linked open data technologies, which makes it possible to connect individual currently independent data sets to each other.

  2. Its automatic extraction of metadata by machine learning and focused crawling necessary for this purpose, enables an extensive search for content and metadata.

  3. This is also the basis for innovative search functionality such as Question Answering.

Further automation will enable the validation of licence terms of individual and integrated data sets. Multiple demonstrators clarify the applicability and improved usability provided by OPAL.

OPAL is a research and development project funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) grant no. 19F2028A and will collaborate closely with the <link https:>LIMBO project. We are always open to further collaboration within the <link http:>mFUND context and with other partners, including open data producers, consumers and platform operators.