
BMBF-fun­ded pro­ject DARE has star­ted

In October 2021, a new research project was initialized under the title "DARE: Training, validation and benchmark tools for the development of data-driven operation and control strategies for intelligent, local energy systems" (German: "DARE: Trainings-, Validierungs- und Benchmarkwerkzeuge zur Entwicklung datengetriebener Betriebs- und Regelungsverfahren für intelligente, lokale Energiesysteme")

Within the next two years, researchers from the Software Innovation Campus Paderborn (SICP) and the Competence Centre for Sustainable Energy Technology (KET) will develop open source simulation and benchmark tools in collaboration with the industrial partners WestfalenWIND GmbH and Westfalen Weser Netz GmbH. The aim of the framework is to address challenges that may occur during the operation of decentralized energy grids, with the overarching goal to transform our current system of energy suppy towards a sustainable infrastructure that mainly consists of loaclized renewable energy sources.

Scientific partners:

Official press release (in german): Link