
New pre­print on fast mul­tiob­ject­ive gradi­ent meth­ods with Nes­ter­ov ac­cel­er­a­tion

We have just published a preprint where we derive efficient algorithms to compute weakly Pareto optimal solutions for smooth, convex and unconstrained multiobjective optimization problems in general Hilbert spaces. We employ Nesterov acceleration to define an algorithm with an improved convergence rate compared to the plain multiobjective steepest descent method (Algorithm 1). A further improvement in terms of efficiency is achieved by avoiding the solution of a quadratic subproblem to compute a common step direction for all objective functions, which is usually required in first order methods. Using a different discretization of our inertial gradient-like dynamical system, we obtain an accelerated multiobjective gradient method that does not require the solution of a subproblem in each step (Algorithm 2).

The paper can be downloaded from the arXiv.