
Two re­search pa­pers ac­cep­ted at IEEE Se­cur­ity & Pri­vacy!

We have two research papers accepted at IEEE Security & Privacy!

Our 2022 summer research project "Security, Privacy, and Data-sharing Trade-offs When Moving to the United States: Insights from a Qualitative Study", authored by Harshini Sri Ramulu, Collins W. Munyendo, Mindy Tran, Rachel Gonzalez Rodriguez, Luisa Ball Schnell, Cora Sula, Lusy Simko, and Yasemin Acar, was accepted! This research was motivated by an invited talk by Dr. Lucy Simko about security and privacy during times of change. In summer 2022, then-undergraduate students at The George Washington University, Rachel Gonzalez Rodriguez, Luisa Ball Schnell, and Cora Sula, then collaborated with us on exciting research on security and privacy challenges while moving to the United States.

Our collaboration with CASA, "Digital Security — A Question of Perspective. A Large-Scale Telephone Survey with Four At-Risk User Groups", authored by Franziska Herbert, Steffen Becker, Annalina Buckmann,    Marvin Kowalewski, Jonas Hielscher, Yasemin Acar, Markus Dürmuth, Yixin Zou, and Angela Sasse, was accepted also.