Prosem­in­ar: In­tro­duc­tion to Hu­man Factors in Se­cur­ity and Pri­vacy Re­search (in Eng­lish)

We will read, present and discuss current research in human factors in security and privacy. We will learn about the structure of a research paper and its similarities and differences to a thesis. We will jointly brainstorm ideas, give and receive constructive feedback, and practice writing a thesis proposal.


This class is in English. If you’re worried that your English is not “good enough”: if you can watch Netflix in English and use the internet in English (e.g., you laugh about English memes), your English is good enough for this class, and a great opportunity to practice. There are no point deductions for imperfect English in this class.

If you don’t understand this text without the use of a translation tool, you may not be ready to take this class in English. 


Tentative dates:

17.10.24 16-18

07.11.24 16-18

21.11.24 16-18

28.11.24 16-18

12.12.24 16-18

16.01.25 16-18

23.01.25 13-18