HITS @ CCS '23 in Copen­ha­gen: Talk, Poster, Award and more!

Last week, the full HITS group attended the CCS Conference in Copenhagen, along with the System Security group of UPB.

Emiram presented our accepted paper about Neuroprivacy, Neurotech Awareness and Adoption (read the full paper here) in the first session. Matin discussed the poster about Practical Brainwave-based User Authentication (read the abstract here) during the interactive poster session on Monday evening. During the conference dinner on Tuesday evening, Patricia was awarded with the CCS 2023 Top Reviewer Award! Next to a lot of other super interesting talks about current hot topics, we celebrated the 30th Anniversary of CCS according to the motto 'a little party never killed nobody' ;-).

Thanks ACM for three wonderful and successful days!

IT Security and System Security group of UPB.
Emiram presenting the paper "Privacy in the Age of Neurotechnology: Investigating Public Attitudes towards Brain Data Collection and Use".
Matin presenting the poster "Towards Practical Brainwave-based User Authentication".
Patricia won the CCS 2023 Top Reviewer Award.