
Pa­per Ac­cep­ted to ACM/IE­EE SC 2024

Our paper titled "NetCL: A Unified Programming Framework for In-Network Computing" has been accepted to the ACM/IEEE International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC) 2024.  SC is a top conference in high-performance computing and this year it will be held in Atlanta, GA in November. 

The paper tackles the standing challenge of programming in-network computing applications and presents a unified programming framework where users without network expertise can write in-network computing applications in C/C++ without being concerned with the various programming paradigms of host and network devices and network plumbing.

NetCL: A Unified Programming Framework for In-Network Computing
George Karlos (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Henri Bal (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Lin Wang (Paderborn University, Germany)