Welcome to the Computer Networks group!

The Computer Networks group conducts research and teaching activities focusing on networked systems of all kinds, ranging from large-scale cloud data centers to tiny low-power IoT devices. The group is headed by Prof. Lin Wang. 

> We are looking for multiple postdocs, PhDs, and WHKs to join our group. Please check the vacancies here.


  • 03.2024: Paper on autoscaling of inference serving systems accepted to ACM EuroMLSys@EuroSys 2024.
  • 01.2024: Paper on efficient serverless GNN serving accepted to ACM The Web Conference (WWW) 2024.
  • 12.2023: Two papers accepted to IEEE INFOCOM 2024.
  • 11.2023: RICS received the Best Paper Award at IEEE IPCCC 2023.


We focus our research on networked systems and we strive to create concepts and methods to make networked systems more efficient, scalable, usable, and sustainable. Our focus is on creating better programming tools, middleware, and protocols, leveraging the capabilities offered by emerging hardware. Our research has been generously supported by various funding sources including the German Research Foundation (DFG), the Dutch Research Council (NWO), Google Research, and Intel. 

In-Network Acceleration

The emergence of programmable network devices (P4 switches, SmartNICs, and DPUs) has motivated a new concept called in-network computing. We are exploring how programmable network elements can better contribute to computation acceleration in the post-Moore's law era.

Sustainable IoT

IoT systems are ubiquitous nowadays. Yet, virtually all IoT devices rely on battery to function. Batteries are hazardous, prone to disasters, and hard to maintain --- all indicating that current IoT systems are not sustainable. We are working towards sustainable IoT systems by removing completely the batteries from IoT devices.

Systems for Machine Learning

Machine learning is powering many of our intellegent services in our daily life. Yet, serving computation-intensive machine learning workloads while meeting their stringent throughput/latency requirements remains a critical challenge. We are developing efficient network systems across the cloud and edge to support machine learning inference.


We offer lectures, seminars, project groups, and BSc/MSc theses projects on networked systems. The following is a list of courses we currently offer.

  • Advanced Networked Systems (SS24, MSc)
  • Seminar: In-Network Computing (SS24, MSc)
  • Project Group: Networked Systems (SS24, MSc)
  • Computer Networks (WS23/24, BSc)

For more information about our past offerings and other teaching activities, please check the teaching page.


We are a dynamic, international team with members coming from different countries and with different backgrounds. Please check this page to know more about our group and all members.


Prof. Dr. Lin Wang


Raum O3.149
Universität Paderborn
Pohlweg 51
33098 Paderborn