Wel­co­me to the Com­pu­ta­ti­o­nal So­ci­al Sci­ence Group

Computational social science (CSS) investigates research questions from the social sciences through empirical data analyses. The CSS Group considers such questions from a natural language processing perspective primarily. Among the main research topics of the group are the computational analysis and synthesis of argumentation, the detection and mitigation of social bias and media bias in text, and the construction of human-like explanations in educational and explainable artificial intelligence.

As of October 2022, this web page will no longer be updated, since the group has moved to Leibniz University Hannover: https://www.ai.uni-hannover.de


A member of the CSS Group co-authored a paper to be published in the TACL journal...

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The group will move to Leibniz University Hannover on October 1, 2022...

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Members of the CSS Group co-authored a long paper accepted at ArgMining 2022...

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Members of the CSS group co-authored a long paper accepted at COLING 2022...

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Henning Wachsmuth is giving an invited talk on September 14 at the KONVENS 2022...

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Henning Wachsmuth has received the 2022 faculty's teaching award...

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Members of the CSS group co-authored a long paper accepted at COMMA 2022...

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Members of the CSS group co-chair a shared task accepted at SemEval 2022...

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Members of the CSS group co-authored a paper accepted in EUROCALL 2022...

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The state of NRW funds a research network of four partners, including Paderborn University...

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Head of the group

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Henning Wachsmuth
Paderborn University
Zukunftsmeile 2, 33102 Paderborn, Germany

+49 5251 60 6844

Try out our argument search engine, args.me, developed in collaboration with the Webis group.