
The following lists shows applications and code related to research topics of the CSS group. More code can be found on the github page of our associated group, Webis.

args — The argument search engine: An online prototype argument search engine for the web. Special thanks to Jana Puschmann, Jiani Qu, and Jonas Dorsch. [] [api]

Argumentation-related essay scoring: An online demo that assesses four dimensions of the argumentation quality of persuasive student essays. Special thanks to Patrick Saad and Yamen Ajjour. [demo]

Review argumentation analysis: An online demo that analyzes the sentiment flow, the aspect-based sentiment, and the discourse structure of hotel reviews and scores the reviews. Developed in the BMBF research project ArguAna. [demo] [api]

ACL 2020b. Extractive Snippet Generation for Arguments: Python implementation for our extractive snippet generation for arguments (github link).

ACL 2020a. Target Inference in Conclusion Generation: Python code to reproduce the results of our paper (github link).

ACL 2018a. Counterargument retrieval: Java source code of the experiments on retrieving the best counterargument to an argument without prior topic knowledge. [zip 302 mb]

EMNLP 2017b. Modeling overall argumentation with tree kernels: Java source code of the experiments on the impact of modeling overall argumentation with tree kernels on argumentation-related analysis tasks. [zip 98 mb]

ArgMining 2017b. Argument search framework: The Java source code of an argument search framework that is build upon Apache UIMA and Apache Lucene. The argument search engine args relies on this framework. [to come mid 2018]

ACL 2017. Argumentation quality assessment: Java source code of the experiments and results of the annotation study on argumentation quality assessment in theory and practice. [zip 2mb]

COLING 2016b. Argumentation-related essay scoring: Java source code and Weka ARFF feature files of the experiments on argumentation-related essay scoring. [zip 244mb]

EMNLP 2015. Sentiment flows: Java source code and Weka ARFF feature files of the experiments on the generality and domain robustness of sentiment flow as a model of web review argumentation. [zip 18mb]

COLING 2014. Sentiment flow patterns: Java source code and Weka ARFF feature files of the experiments on our approach to domain-robust sentiment analysis, which is based on a shallow model of review argumentation. [zip 47mb]