Re­sea­rch pro­fi­le of the High-Per­for­mance Com­pu­ting group

The research of our group revolves around computer architectures, design methods and applications for energy-efficient computing systems. Our main expertise is in custom and heterogeneous computing in the context of high-performance computing. In custom computing, we use FPGA-based reconfigurable hardware architectures that can be specialized to the target application, which can lead to significantly improved performance and energy-efficiency when compared with general-purpose CPUs. Our work in HPC revolves around the topic of the development of massively-scalable algorithms for scientific computing, in particular, for the domains of physics, chemistry and engineering.

Our research is primarily foundational, with an emphasis on the development of new methods, which we evaluate by simulation or prototypes targeting case studies. In tigh collaboration with domain experts at the Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing (PC2) and users of PC2 , we validate our research also with actual scientific applications. Our research has been supported by numerous third party funding agencies, such as, German Research Foundation (DFG), German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF), and the European Commission. We also maintain collaborations with industrial partners, such as, AMD/Xilinx and Intel/Altera.