We got two Late Breaking Works accepted at CHI 2024!

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The HITS group took part at this year's Girls' Day on 25.04.2024 and welcomed 17 female students from different schools with a fun LEGO4SCRUM workshop and an exciting speed dating round!

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Copyright: SECUSO, Mattia Mossano

Emiram was invited to give a guest talk at the research seminar of research group SECUSO at KIT.

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Yixin Zou from the Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy in Bochum gave an invited talk about inclusive Privacy and Security as part of our lecture "Privacy and Technology".

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The full team attended the 30th Anniversary of CCS in Copenhagen last week! It was very eventful and exciting! Click for more.

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Join us in our research journey towards human-centered IT Security! Currently we have an open position for a research assistant with Bachelor's degree. Read more for information how to apply.

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Our recent paper about Markus Röse's master thesis, presenting a brainwave-based authentication system for the real world got accepted at EuroUSEC '23. Emiram presented the work at the conference in Copenhagen last week.

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If you want to learn more about what is usable security, our research on improving user authentication, and the future of Brain Computer Interfaces and neuroprivacy, listen to Patricia's conversation with Marvin Beckmann in "All Day Research".

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Patricia attended this year's PETS Symposium in Lausanne, Switzerland and gave an exciting talk about her recent publication in cooperation with KASTEL Security Research Labs from KIT.

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We invited Mattia Mossano (from KIT) to give an interesting talk about phishing in the context of the lecture "Usable Security and Privacy".

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Copyright: CASA, Mareen Meyer

For the first time in presence, CASA (at RUB) conducted a workshop for women in security and cryptography in Bochum. 50 women from 13 countries came together to talk about current research in various fields of security and crypto.

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Abstract: We deserve smarter authentication mechanisms to move on from the current password-dominated scene. With the democratization of neurotechnologies, the usage of brain biometrics in everyday life becomes a tangible possibility. In this talk, we will present research contributions towards practical brainwave-based user authentication, covering both security and usability aspects.

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An­tritts­vor­le­sun­gen von Prof. Dr. Pa­tri­cia Ari­as Ca­ba­r­cos und Jun.-Prof. Dr. Se­bas­ti­an Peitz

Am Montag, den 7. November 2022 haben Prof. Dr. Patricia Arias Cabarcos (IT-Sicherheit) und Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sebastian Peitz (Data Science for Engineering) im Hörsaal O1 ihre Antrittsvorlesungen gehalten.

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Our group attended EuroUSEC'22 last week in Karlsruhe to learn and discuss about latest research in the usable security community. We presented a poster teasing our upcoming PETS 2023 paper on how Facebook tracks users outside the social network.

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Our group head Prof. Dr. Patricia Arias Cabarcos co-authored a paper accepted at the Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS) 2023.

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