Open Jobs

On this page we list open positions in several categories. For general questions about pursuing a PhD in our group, please consult with Marco Platzner.

Re­sea­rch As­so­cia­tes (Post­Docs and PhD stu­dents)

We have open positions for research associates in two fields:


Stu­dent Re­sea­rch / Tech­ni­cal As­si­stants (SHK and WHB)

Currently we have no open positions announced, but if you are looking for one and are interested in our research topics, please contact Marco Platzner.

Stu­dent Te­a­ching As­si­stants (SHK and WHB)

We are continuously looking for students who are interested in becoming a teaching assistant (tutor) for our courses. Requirements for becoming a tutor for the 1st and 2nd-year Bachelor courses Digitaltechnik and Rechnerarchitektur are to have successfully completed these courses and fluency in the German language. For a tutor job in the Digitaltechnik Praktikum, additionally knowledge in VHDL is required. For higher years Bachelor and Master courses, excellent knowledge of the subject is the main requirement. For more information please contact Marco Platzner.