Completed Thesis Projects
Bachelor's Theses
Controlling I/O Devices from Hardware-Mapped ReconROS Nodes
M. Hartinger, Controlling I/O Devices from Hardware-Mapped ReconROS Nodes, Paderborn University, 2024.
Bewertung der Xilinx Runtime Library zur Hardware/Software-Kommunikation
G. Evers, Bewertung der Xilinx Runtime Library zur Hardware/Software-Kommunikation, Paderborn University, 2023.
Development of a Power Analysis Framework for Embedded FPGA Accelerators
L.D. Reuter, Development of a Power Analysis Framework for Embedded FPGA Accelerators, Paderborn University, 2023.
Demonstrator for Dataflow-based DNN Acceleration for Vision Applications on Platform FPGAs
M.O. Oviasogie, Demonstrator for Dataflow-Based DNN Acceleration for Vision Applications on Platform FPGAs, Paderborn University, 2023.
Verarbeitung von Sensordaten auf eingebetteten heterogenen FPGA-Systemen
R. Hamm, Verarbeitung von Sensordaten auf eingebetteten heterogenen FPGA-Systemen, Paderborn University, 2023.
Effizienzanalyse leichtgewichtiger Neuronaler Netze für FPGA-basierte Modulationsklassifikation
F. Simon-Mertens, Effizienzanalyse leichtgewichtiger Neuronaler Netze für FPGA-basierte Modulationsklassifikation, Paderborn University, 2023.
Fast Partial Reconfiguration for ReconOS64 on Xilinx MPSoC Devices
A. Klassen, Fast Partial Reconfiguration for ReconOS64 on Xilinx MPSoC Devices, Paderborn University, 2023.
Ein Simulator für Schedulability-Experimente mit periodischen Tasks auf FPGAs
J. Tsague Dingo, Ein Simulator Für Schedulability-Experimente Mit Periodischen Tasks Auf FPGAs, Paderborn University, 2023.
An Evaluation of XCS on the OpenAI Gym
F. Mehlich, An Evaluation of XCS on the OpenAI Gym, Paderborn University, Paderborn, 2023.
Implementation and Profiling of XCS in the Context of Embedded Systems
M. Brede, Implementation and Profiling of XCS in the Context of Embedded Systems, Paderborn University, Paderborn, 2021.
Decomposition of Arithmetic Components for the Approximate Circuit Synthesis with EvoApproxLib
J.W. Rehnen, Decomposition of Arithmetic Components for the Approximate Circuit Synthesis with EvoApproxLib, 2021.
Evaluation of a ReconOS-ROS Combination based on a Video Processing Application
L.-S. Henke, Evaluation of a ReconOS-ROS Combination Based on a Video Processing Application, 2020.
Implementing Machine Learning Functions as PYNQ FPGA Overlays
S. Thiele, Implementing Machine Learning Functions as PYNQ FPGA Overlays, 2020.
Static Scheduling Algorithms for Heterogeneous Compute Nodes
J.-P. Schnuer, Static Scheduling Algorithms for Heterogeneous Compute Nodes, Universität Paderborn, 2018.
Evaluation of OpenCL-based Compilation for FPGAs
M. Croce, Evaluation of OpenCL-Based Compilation for FPGAs, Universität Paderborn, 2018.
Enforcing IP Core Connection Properties with Verifiable Security Monitors
F.P. Jentzsch, Enforcing IP Core Connection Properties with Verifiable Security Monitors, Universität Paderborn, 2018.
An FPGA Accelerator for Checking Resolution Proofs
T. Hansmeier, An FPGA Accelerator for Checking Resolution Proofs, Universität Paderborn, 2017.
An AR-based Training and Assessment System for Myoelectrical Prosthetic Control
C. Kaltschmidt, An AR-Based Training and Assessment System for Myoelectrical Prosthetic Control, Paderborn University, 2017.
Konzeption und Implementierung einer digitalen Ansteuerung für den Betrieb einer elektrischen Sendereinheit für induktive Energieübertragung
M. Schmidt, Konzeption Und Implementierung Einer Digitalen Ansteuerung Für Den Betrieb Einer Elektrischen Sendereinheit Für Induktive Energieübertragung, Paderborn University, 2016.
Custom Memory Controller for ReconOS
S. Hermansen, Custom Memory Controller for ReconOS, Paderborn University, 2016.
Beschleunigte Simulation elektrischer Stromnetze mit GPUs
J. Horstmann, Beschleunigte Simulation Elektrischer Stromnetze Mit GPUs, Paderborn University, 2016.
Evaluation von Bildverarbeitungsalgorithmen in heterogenen Rechenknoten
C. Knorr, Evaluation von Bildverarbeitungsalgorithmen in heterogenen Rechenknoten, Universität Paderborn, 2015.
Konzept und Implementation einer Benutzeroberfläche zur Generierung virtueller FPGAs
R. Meißner, Konzept Und Implementation Einer Benutzeroberfläche Zur Generierung Virtueller FPGAs, Universität Paderborn, 2015.
The Xilinx Zynq Architecture as a Platform for Reconfigurable Heterogeneous Multi-Cores
C. Rüthing, The Xilinx Zynq Architecture as a Platform for Reconfigurable Heterogeneous Multi-Cores, Paderborn University, 2014.
Entwicklung einer codegrößenoptimierten Softwarebibliothek für 8-Bit Mikrocontroller in netzunabhängigen Notleuchten
C. Hagedorn, Entwicklung Einer Codegrößenoptimierten Softwarebibliothek Für 8-Bit Mikrocontroller in Netzunabhängigen Notleuchten, Paderborn University, 2014.
EMG-basierte simultane und proportionale Online-Steuerung einer virtuellen Prothese
F. König, EMG-Basierte Simultane Und Proportionale Online-Steuerung Einer Virtuellen Prothese, Paderborn University, 2014.
Echtzeit Klassifikation von sEMG Signalen mit einem low-cost DSP Evaluation Board
A. Bockhorn, Echtzeit Klassifikation von SEMG Signalen Mit Einem Low-Cost DSP Evaluation Board, Paderborn University, 2014.
Behavior Models for Electric Vehicles
M. Knoop, Behavior Models for Electric Vehicles, IWES Kassel, 2013.
Verbesserung der Erkennungsrate eines Systems zur Klassifikation von EMG-Signalen durch den Einsatz eines hybriden Lagesensors
B. Nofen, Verbesserung Der Erkennungsrate Eines Systems Zur Klassifikation von EMG-Signalen Durch Den Einsatz Eines Hybriden Lagesensors, Paderborn University, 2013.
Überquerung der Styx - Betriebsparametervariation und Fehlerverhalten eines Platform FPGAs
D. Pudelko, Überquerung Der Styx - Betriebsparametervariation Und Fehlerverhalten Eines Platform FPGAs, Paderborn University, 2013.
MiBenchHybrid : Erweiterung eines Benchmarks um Hardwarebeschleunigung
A. Sprenger, MiBenchHybrid : Erweiterung Eines Benchmarks Um Hardwarebeschleunigung, Paderborn University, 2013.
Beschleunigung von Einzelbild-Erkennungsverfahren auf Datenfluss basierenden HPC Systemen
P. Steppeler, Beschleunigung von Einzelbild-Erkennungsverfahren Auf Datenfluss Basierenden HPC Systemen, Paderborn University, 2013.
Beschleunigung von Tiefenberechnung aus Stereobildern durch FPGA-basierte Datenflussrechner
C. Bick, Beschleunigung von Tiefenberechnung Aus Stereobildern Durch FPGA-Basierte Datenflussrechner, Paderborn University, 2013.
Stereo Matching on a HC-1 Hybrid Core Computer
H. Schmitz, Stereo Matching on a HC-1 Hybrid Core Computer, Paderborn University, 2012.
Entwicklung eines Picoblaze Compilers mit dem Gentle Compiler Construction System
C. Topmöller, Entwicklung Eines Picoblaze Compilers Mit Dem Gentle Compiler Construction System, Paderborn University, 2012.
Generating Adjustable Temperature Gradients on modern FPGAs
H. Hangmann, Generating Adjustable Temperature Gradients on Modern FPGAs, Paderborn University, 2012.
PinSim: Schnelle Simulation mit Pintools
N. Ikonomakis, PinSim: Schnelle Simulation Mit Pintools, Paderborn University, 2011.
MPI-CUDA Codegenerierung für Nanophoton Simulationen auf Clustern
H. Kassner, MPI-CUDA Codegenerierung Für Nanophoton Simulationen Auf Clustern, Paderborn University, 2011.
Soft Microprocessors with tightly coupled Application-Specific Coprocessors
D. Dridger, Soft Microprocessors with Tightly Coupled Application-Specific Coprocessors, Paderborn University, 2010.
Parallelization of the UCT Algorithm on HPC-Clusters
T. Graf, Parallelization of the UCT Algorithm on HPC-Clusters, Paderborn University, 2010.
Implementierung von Kryptographie-Hardwarebeschleunigern für das HW/SW-Betriebssystem ReconOS
B. Wildenhain, Implementierung von Kryptographie-Hardwarebeschleunigern Für Das HW/SW-Betriebssystem ReconOS, Paderborn University, 2009.
Eine Monitoring- und Debugging-Infrastruktur für hybride HW/SW-Systeme
J. Niklas, Eine Monitoring- Und Debugging-Infrastruktur Für Hybride HW/SW-Systeme, Paderborn University, 2008.
Raytracing on a Custom Instruction Set CPU
M. Östermann, Raytracing on a Custom Instruction Set CPU, Paderborn University, 2008.
Design and Evaluation of MicroBlaze Multi-core Architectures
N. Westerheide, Design and Evaluation of MicroBlaze Multi-Core Architectures, Paderborn University, 2008.
Selbstoptimierender Cache-Kontroller
D. Breitlauch, Selbstoptimierender Cache-Kontroller, Paderborn University, 2008.
Verteilte Simulation von mobilen Robotern mit EyeSim
T. Ceylan, C. Yalcin, Verteilte Simulation von Mobilen Robotern Mit EyeSim, Paderborn University, 2008.
Implementierung und Bewertung des multikriteriellen Optimierungsverfahrens IBEA für den automatisierten Schaltungsentwurf
T. Knieper, Implementierung Und Bewertung Des Multikriteriellen Optimierungsverfahrens IBEA Für Den Automatisierten Schaltungsentwurf, Paderborn University, 2008.
Aufbau und experimentelle Bewertung eines Systems zur Langzeitklassifikation von EMG-Signalen
A. Boschmann, Aufbau Und Experimentelle Bewertung Eines Systems Zur Langzeitklassifikation von EMG-Signalen, Paderborn University, 2008.
VHDL-Implementierung eines Clustering-Verfahrens für multikriterielle Optimierungsalgorithmen
R. Meiche, VHDL-Implementierung Eines Clustering-Verfahrens Für Multikriterielle Optimierungsalgorithmen, Paderborn University, 2007.
Distributed Simulation of mobile Robots using EyeSim
T. Ceylan, C. Yalcin, Distributed Simulation of Mobile Robots Using EyeSim, Paderborn University, 2007.
FPGA-Implementierung eines server-basierten Schedulers für periodische Hardwaretasks
R. Mühlenbernd, FPGA-Implementierung Eines Server-Basierten Schedulers Für Periodische Hardwaretasks, Paderborn University, 2006.
Alle Publikationen anzeigen
Master's Theses
Exploring Custom FPGA Accelerators for DNN-based RF Fingerprinting
L.-S. Henke, Exploring Custom FPGA Accelerators for DNN-Based RF Fingerprinting, 2024.
Reconfigurable Random Forest Implementation on FPGA
M. Raeisi Nafchi, Reconfigurable Random Forest Implementation on FPGA, Paderborn University, 2023.
Design and Implementation of a RadioML Demonstrator based on an RFSoC Platform
S. AlAidroos, Design and Implementation of a RadioML Demonstrator Based on an RFSoC Platform, Paderborn University, 2023.
Design and Realization of an Intra-FPGA ROS 2 Communication Infrastructure for the ReconROS Executor
A. Nowosad, Design and Realization of an Intra-FPGA ROS 2 Communication Infrastructure for the ReconROS Executor, Paderborn University, 2023.
Evaluation of Classifier Migration Between Multiple XCS Populations
M. Brede, Evaluation of Classifier Migration Between Multiple XCS Populations, Paderborn University, 2023.
A Comparison of Algorithms for the Generation of Layouts based on Reconfigurable Slots on FPGAs
Y. Tadakamalla, A Comparison of Algorithms for the Generation of Layouts Based on Reconfigurable Slots on FPGAs, Paderborn University, 2023.
Implementation and Evaluation of a ReconROS-based Obstacle Avoidance Architecture for Autonomous Robots
A. Abooof, Implementation and Evaluation of a ReconROS-Based Obstacle Avoidance Architecture for Autonomous Robots, Paderborn University, 2023.
Multithreaded Software/Hardware Programming with ReconOS/Zephyr on a RISC-V-based System-on-Chip
A.P. Rao, Multithreaded Software/Hardware Programming with ReconOS/Zephyr on a RISC-V-Based System-on-Chip, Paderborn University, 2023.
Design and Realization of Optimized Intra-FPGA ROS 2 Communication
S.H. Middeke, Design and Realization of Optimized Intra-FPGA ROS 2 Communication, Paderborn University, 2023.
A Hardware/Software Co-designed ORB-SLAM2 Algorithm for FPGA
S. Thiele, A Hardware/Software Co-Designed ORB-SLAM2 Algorithm for FPGA, Paderborn University, 2023.
Efficient Neural Network Inference for Velocity Estimation in Athletic Relay Races on a Microcontroller
D.B. Anantha Rao, Efficient Neural Network Inference for Velocity Estimation in Athletic Relay Races on a Microcontroller, Paderborn University, 2023.
Reconfigurable Random Forest Implementation on FPGA
M. Raeisi Nafchi, Reconfigurable Random Forest Implementation on FPGA, Paderborn University, 2023.
Data Analytics for Predictive Maintenance of Time Series Data
N. Yadalam Murali Kumar, Data Analytics for Predictive Maintenance of Time Series Data, Paderborn University, 2023.
Analysis of Time-Series Classification in Conditional Monitoring Systems
P. Kaur , Analysis of Time-Series Classification in Conditional Monitoring Systems, Paderborn University , 2022.
Dealing With Pre-Processing And Feature Extraction Of Time-Series Data In Predictive Maintenance
S. Manjunatha, Dealing With Pre-Processing And Feature Extraction Of Time-Series Data In Predictive Maintenance, Paderborn University , 2022.
FreeRTOS on a MicroBlaze Soft-Core Processor with Hardware Accelerators
V.I. Tcheussi Ngayap, FreeRTOS on a MicroBlaze Soft-Core Processor with Hardware Accelerators, 2022.
Design and Implementation of a ReconROS-based Obstacle Avoidance System
M.A. Sheikh, Design and Implementation of a ReconROS-Based Obstacle Avoidance System, Paderborn University, 2021.
A Comparison of Machine Learning Techniques for the On-line Characterization of Tasks Executed on Heterogeneous Compute Nodes
C. Kashikar, A Comparison of Machine Learning Techniques for the On-Line Characterization of Tasks Executed on Heterogeneous Compute Nodes, Paderborn University, Paderborn, 2021.
Design and Implementation of a ReconOS-based TensorFlow Lite Delegate Architecture
F.P. Jentzsch, Design and Implementation of a ReconOS-Based TensorFlow Lite Delegate Architecture, 2020.
Comparison of Feature Selection Techniques to Improve Approximate Circuit Synthesis
K. Chandrakar, Comparison of Feature Selection Techniques to Improve Approximate Circuit Synthesis, 2020.
Extension and Evaluation of Python-based High-Level Synthesis Tool Flows
V. Jaganath, Extension and Evaluation of Python-Based High-Level Synthesis Tool Flows, 2020.
Multithreaded Software/Hardware Programming with ReconOS/freeRTOS on a Reconfigurable System-on-Chip
J.D. Mehta, Multithreaded Software/Hardware Programming with ReconOS/FreeRTOS on a Reconfigurable System-on-Chip, 2019.
Implementing a Real-time System on a Platform FPGA operated with ReconOS
C. Lienen, Implementing a Real-Time System on a Platform FPGA Operated with ReconOS, Universität Paderborn, n.d.
A Bitstream-Level Proof-Carrying Hardware Technique for Information Flow Tracking
M. Keerthipati, A Bitstream-Level Proof-Carrying Hardware Technique for Information Flow Tracking, Universität Paderborn, 2019.
Multithreaded Software/Hardware Programming with ReconOS/freeRTOS on a Recongurable System-on-Chip
J. Mehta, Multithreaded Software/Hardware Programming with ReconOS/FreeRTOS on a Recongurable System-on-Chip, 2019.
Incremental learning with Support Vector Machine on embedded platforms
S. Kumar Jeyakumar, Incremental Learning with Support Vector Machine on Embedded Platforms, 2019.
FPGA Acceleration of String Search Techniques in Huge Data Sets
N.S. Sabu, FPGA Acceleration of String Search Techniques in Huge Data Sets, Paderborn University, 2019.
Autonomous Operation of High-Performance Compute Nodes through Self-Awareness and Learning Classifiers
T. Hansmeier, Autonomous Operation of High-Performance Compute Nodes through Self-Awareness and Learning Classifiers, Universität Paderborn, 2019.
Development of a Hardware / Software Codesign for sonification of LIDAR-based sensor data
L. Clausing, Development of a Hardware / Software Codesign for Sonification of LIDAR-Based Sensor Data, Ruhr-University Bochum, 2018.
OpenCL-basierte Videoverarbeitung auf heterogenen Rechenknoten
C. Knorr, OpenCL-basierte Videoverarbeitung auf heterogenen Rechenknoten, Universität Paderborn, 2017.
A Framework for the Synthesis of Approximate Circuits
L.M. Witschen, A Framework for the Synthesis of Approximate Circuits, Universität Paderborn, 2017.
Reconfigurable Cryptographic Services
A. Dietrich, Reconfigurable Cryptographic Services, Paderborn University, 2017.
Acceleration of Industrial Analytics Functions on a Platform FPGA
U. Riaz, Acceleration of Industrial Analytics Functions on a Platform FPGA, Paderborn University, 2017.
Operating System Support for Reconfigurable Cache
V. Makeswaran, Operating System Support for Reconfigurable Cache, Paderborn University, 2016.
Private/Shared Data Classification and Implementation for a Multi-Softcore Platform
I. Ibne Ashraf, Private/Shared Data Classification and Implementation for a Multi-Softcore Platform, Paderborn University, 2016.
Sprint Diagnostic with RTK-GPS \& IMU Sensor Fusion
J. Cedric Mertens, Sprint Diagnostic with RTK-GPS \& IMU Sensor Fusion, Paderborn University, 2016.
Implementation of Bilinear Pairings on Reconfigurable Hardware
A.S. Nassery, Implementation of Bilinear Pairings on Reconfigurable Hardware, Paderborn University, 2016.
Acceleration of EMTP for Distribution Networks on Data Flow Machines using the Latency Insertion Method
O. Amin, Acceleration of EMTP for Distribution Networks on Data Flow Machines Using the Latency Insertion Method, Paderborn University, 2016.
Acceleration of Artificial Neural Networks on a Zynq Platform
T. Posewsky, Acceleration of Artificial Neural Networks on a Zynq Platform, Paderborn University, 2015.
Evolution of Heat Flow Prediction Models for FPGA Devices
H. Hangmann, Evolution of Heat Flow Prediction Models for FPGA Devices, Paderborn University, 2015.
Computer Vision basierte Klassifikation von HD EMG Signalen
C. Haupt, Computer Vision Basierte Klassifikation von HD EMG Signalen, Paderborn University, 2015.
Self-Optimizing Organic Cache
A.F. Ahmed, Self-Optimizing Organic Cache, Paderborn University, 2015.
Hardware Acceleration of Mechatronic Controllers on a Zynq Platform FPGA
B. Koch, Hardware Acceleration of Mechatronic Controllers on a Zynq Platform FPGA, Paderborn University, 2014.
Advanced AES-key recovery from decayed RAM using multi-threading and FPGAs
R. Mittendorf, Advanced AES-Key Recovery from Decayed RAM Using Multi-Threading and FPGAs, Paderborn University, 2014.
Multithreaded Parallelization of Mechatronic Controllers on a Zynq Platform FPGA
S. Surmund, Multithreaded Parallelization of Mechatronic Controllers on a Zynq Platform FPGA, Paderborn University, 2014.
A Generalized Loop Accelerator Implemented as a Coarse-Grained Array
M. Brand, A Generalized Loop Accelerator Implemented as a Coarse-Grained Array, Paderborn University, 2014.
Easy-to-use-on-the-fly binary program acceleration on many-cores
M. Damschen, Easy-to-Use-on-the-Fly Binary Program Acceleration on Many-Cores, Paderborn University, 2014.
Identifikation und Wiederherstellung von kryptographischen Schlüsseln mit FPGAs
H. Riebler, Identifikation Und Wiederherstellung von Kryptographischen Schlüsseln Mit FPGAs, Paderborn University, 2013.
Analysis of Pattern Based Model Design and Learning in Computer-Go
M. Wistuba, Analysis of Pattern Based Model Design and Learning in Computer-Go, Paderborn University, 2012.
Design and Implementation of a Nanophotonics Simulation Personality for the Convey HC-1 Hybrid Core Computer
D. Dridger, Design and Implementation of a Nanophotonics Simulation Personality for the Convey HC-1 Hybrid Core Computer, Paderborn University, 2012.
Adaptive Playouts in der Monte-Carlo Spielbaumsuche am Anwendungsfall Go
T. Graf, Adaptive Playouts in Der Monte-Carlo Spielbaumsuche Am Anwendungsfall Go, Paderborn University, 2012.
Analysis of Algorithmic Approaches for Temporal Partitioning
A. Schwabe, Analysis of Algorithmic Approaches for Temporal Partitioning, Paderborn University, 2011.
User Space Scheduling for Heterogeneous Systems
D. Welp, User Space Scheduling for Heterogeneous Systems, Paderborn University, 2011.
FPGA/CPU Multicore-Plattform für ReconOS/eCos
R. Meiche, FPGA/CPU Multicore-Plattform Für ReconOS/ECos, Paderborn University, 2010.
Transparente Hardwarebeschleunigung durch Shared Library Interposing
M. Niekamp, Transparente Hardwarebeschleunigung Durch Shared Library Interposing, Paderborn University, 2010.
A Token-Ring Network-On-Chip for Message Passing in ReconOS
B. Runde, A Token-Ring Network-On-Chip for Message Passing in ReconOS, Paderborn University, 2010.
Scheduling Support for Heterogeneous Hardware Accelerators under Linux
T. Wiersema, Scheduling Support for Heterogeneous Hardware Accelerators under Linux, Paderborn University, 2010.
Hybridization of Global Multi-Objective and Local Search Techniques
T. Knieper, Hybridization of Global Multi-Objective and Local Search Techniques, Paderborn University, 2010.
Virtuelle Speicherverwaltung für Hardware Threads in Rekonfigurierbaren Systemen
A. Agne, Virtuelle Speicherverwaltung Für Hardware Threads in Rekonfigurierbaren Systemen, Paderborn University, 2010.
Compiler for a Custom Instruction Set CPU
M. Tofall, Compiler for a Custom Instruction Set CPU, Paderborn University, 2009.
Coarse-grained CGP Model using Xilinx Virtex5 DSP48E Functional Units
A. Warkentin, Coarse-Grained CGP Model Using Xilinx Virtex5 DSP48E Functional Units, Paderborn University, 2009.
Parallelisierung und Hardware- / Software - Codesign von Partikelfiltern
M. Happe, Parallelisierung Und Hardware- / Software - Codesign von Partikelfiltern, Paderborn University, 2008.
Bildverarbeitungs-Architekturen und -Bibliotheken für das rekonfigurierbare Betriebssystem ReconOS
W. Reisch, Bildverarbeitungs-Architekturen Und -Bibliotheken Für Das Rekonfigurierbare Betriebssystem ReconOS, Paderborn University, 2007.
Konzeption und Implementierung einer Microsoft Windows CE 5.0 Plattform für ein ARM-basiertes eingebettetes Rechnersystem
E. Rethmeier, Konzeption Und Implementierung Einer Microsoft Windows CE 5.0 Plattform Für Ein ARM-Basiertes Eingebettetes Rechnersystem, Paderborn University, 2007.
A Comparison of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Automated Circuit Design and Optimization
B. Defo, A Comparison of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Automated Circuit Design and Optimization, Paderborn University, 2007.
Entwurf und Implementierung einer RocketIO-basierten Kommunikationsschnittstelle für Multi-FPGA Systeme
S. Döhre, Entwurf Und Implementierung Einer RocketIO-Basierten Kommunikationsschnittstelle Für Multi-FPGA Systeme, Paderborn University, 2007.
Entwurf und Evaluation eines parallelen Verfahrens zur Bildrekonstruktion in der Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie auf Multi-Core-Architekturen
T. Beisel, Entwurf Und Evaluation Eines Parallelen Verfahrens Zur Bildrekonstruktion in Der Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie Auf Multi-Core-Architekturen, Paderborn University, 2007.
Alle Publikationen anzeigen
XCS for Self-awareness in Autonomous Computing Systems
T. Hansmeier, XCS for Self-Awareness in Autonomous Computing Systems, 2023.
Frameworks and Methodologies for Search-based Approximate Logic Synthesis
L.M. Witschen, Frameworks and Methodologies for Search-Based Approximate Logic Synthesis, 2022.
Hardware Trojans in Reconfigurable Computing
Q.A. Ahmed, Hardware Trojans in Reconfigurable Computing, Paderborn University, Paderborn, Germany, Paderborn, 2022.
Guaranteeing Properties of Reconfigurable Hardware Circuits with Proof-Carrying Hardware
T. Wiersema, Guaranteeing Properties of Reconfigurable Hardware Circuits with Proof-Carrying Hardware, Paderborn University, Paderborn, 2021.
FPGA-based Reconfigurable Cache Mapping Schemes: Design and Optimization
N. Ho, FPGA-Based Reconfigurable Cache Mapping Schemes: Design and Optimization, Universität Paderborn, 2018.
Management and Scheduling of Accelerators for Heterogeneous High-Performance Computing
T. Beisel, Management and Scheduling of Accelerators for Heterogeneous High-Performance Computing, Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH, Berlin, 2015.
Parallel Monte-Carlo Tree Search for HPC Systems and its Application to Computer Go
L. Schäfers, Parallel Monte-Carlo Tree Search for HPC Systems and Its Application to Computer Go, Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH, Berlin, 2014.
Performance and thermal management on self-adaptive hybrid multi-cores
M. Happe, Performance and Thermal Management on Self-Adaptive Hybrid Multi-Cores, Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH, Berlin, 2013.
Adapting Hardware Systems by Means of Multi-Objective Evolution
P. Kaufmann, Adapting Hardware Systems by Means of Multi-Objective Evolution, Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH, Berlin, 2013.
Proof-Carrying Hardware: A Novel Approach to Reconfigurable Hardware Security
S. Drzevitzky, Proof-Carrying Hardware: A Novel Approach to Reconfigurable Hardware Security, Universität Paderborn, 2012.
Design and Programming of Reconfigurable Mesh based Many-Cores
H. Giefers, Design and Programming of Reconfigurable Mesh Based Many-Cores, Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH, Berlin, 2012.
Alle Publikationen anzeigen