
DFG Col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve Re­sea­rch Cen­ter on ex­plaina­bi­li­ty ac­cep­ted

The transregional Collaborative Research Center ("Sonderforschungsbereich") TRR 318 "Constructing Explainability" of Paderborn University and Bielefeld University has been accepted for funding by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

The CSS group will co-lead two subprojects of the TRR:

  • Metaphor as an Explanation Tool
    Ingrid Scharlau and Henning Wachsmuth
  • Towards a Framework for Assessing Explanation Quality
    Philipp Cimiano and Henning Wachsmuth

The TRR will officially start in July. More information on the TRR is following soon.