
Spe­ci­al ses­si­on at EC­DA 2018 in Pa­der­born

The 5th European Conference on Data Analysis (ECDA, will take place in Paderborn, Germany, from July 4 to 6 this year.

At the ECDA, the CSS group will chair a special session on computational social science, to be held on July 5 (Thursday). The aim of the session is to learn about approaches related to computational social science as well as to discuss the benefits and limitations of data analysis on societal developments.

Tentatively, the following talks will be given in the special session:

  • Minorities in Social Networks.
    Claudia Wagner, GESIS  
  • Community Analysis based on Linguistic Characteristics in Social Networks.
    Mirco Schönfeld, Technische Universität München
  • Reputation through Observation: Active Lurkers in Online Communities.
    Mirco Schönfeld, Technische Universität München
  • (Automated) Text Analysis of German Online Participation Projects with an Interdisciplinary Approach from Computer Science and Communication and Media Studies.
    Matthias Liebeck and Katharina Esau, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
  • A Practical Approach to Tackling Fake News.
    Martin Potthast, Universität Leipzig
  • Discourse Analysis as an Information Retrieval Problem.
    Tim Gollub, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

More details will follow soon. Stay tuned!