Planning and Heuristic Search (PHS WS 2021/22)

This semester is the last time this course will be offered. Examination opportunities are only available this semester and next winter semester.


  • Planned dates for written exams:
    • First exam: February 2022 (tentative date: 18.02.2022)
    • Second exam: March 2022 (tentative date: 25.03.2022)
  • Exact start and end times of classes:
    • lecture class: Fridays from 08:15h-10:45h (15 min. break) in lecture hall D2.
    • tutorial class 1: Mondays from 14:15h-10:45h in lecture hall O2
    • tutorial class 2: Wednesdays from 09:15h-10:45h in lecture hall D2.
  • First tutorial on Monday, Oct. 18, 2021 ./  Wednesday, Oct.20, 2021.
  • First lecture on Friday, Oct. 15, 2021.

Cour­se Con­tent

Currently, the lecture slide script consists of more than 650 slides.A reasonable exam preparation is therefore only possible if the material is worked on already during the course and the exercises are solved.