Planning and Heuristic Search (PHS WS 2021/22)

This semester is the last time this course will be offered. Examination opportunities are only available this semester and next winter semester.

Ge­ne­ral In­for­ma­ti­on

Course No. L.079.05739
Title Planning and Heuristic Search
Level Master
Instructor Dr. Theodor Lettmann
Tutorials Dr. Theodor Lettmann
ECTS 6 (3h reading, 2h tutorial per week)
Lectures on Fridays, 08:15h - 10:45h (135 min. with 15 min. break), weeklyin D2, first lecture on Oct. 15, 2021
Tutorials Group 1: on Mondays, 14:15h - 12:45h, weekly in O2, first tutorial on Oct. 18, 2021
Group 2: on Wednesdays, 09:15h - 10:45h, weekly in D2, first tutorial on Oct. 20, 2021
Modules M.079.4040 Planning and Heuristic Search
Examination Written examination
Prerequisites: t.b.d.