Planning and Heuristic Search (PHS WS 2021/22)

This semester is the last time this course will be offered. Examination opportunities are only available this semester and next winter semester.

Ex­am Re­gu­la­ti­ons


  • 4 CP
    business informatics (Wirtschaftsinformatik) students only
    part search only
    90 minutes exam
  • 6 CP
    computer science students (degree program of 2017)
    part search and part planning
    120 minutes exam

Writ­ten Ex­ams

The written exams contain exercises in the style of homework exercises. However, the degree of difficulty of the exercises is usually much lower. In exercises we will

  • ask for definitions of concepts,
  • ask for important results (main theorems),
  • apply algorithms to small graphs (search),
  • explain problems using given examples,
  • consider properties of graphs, heuristic functions, algorithms,
  • prove simple results using ideas and results given in the slides,
  • consider states, goals, and plans for simple STRIPS models,
  • explain different approaches to planning (e.g. state-space planning vs. plan-space planning),
  • discuss planning algorithms,
  • apply planning algorithms to small planning problems.

The questionnaire (see pre-exam paragraph below) contains problems that can be used in written exams as well or that can be the basis of an exercise.

Questions, tasks and exercises in the written exam will be chosen in such a way that it is possible to pass by solving simple exercises. The better the grade you want to achieve the harder are the questions you have to answer additionally.

As an additional aid for the exam, a double-sided handwritten DIN A4 sheet is allowed; write your name on it. You can write anything on the sheet that seems helpful to you. Restriction: It has to be YOUR handwriting.


List of sample questions


Students must have completed the assigned pre-master courses in

  • Mathematics 1 and 2
  • Models and Algorithms 1 and 2
  • Software Engineering 1 and 2

Students must register for "Studienleistung" (study achievement) and for the exam.

Study achievement ("Studienleistung"):
Students have to pass an oral pre-exam.

The pre-exam consists of a short (5 - 10 min.) interview / discussion on search topics (definitions, concepts, results, proofs). The pre-exam takes place in December 2021 and January 2022. Results of the pre-exam can be

  • failed, (No limit to the number of retries if time allows.)
  • fair knowledge (no bonus steps in final grade),
  • good knowledge (one bonus step in final grade),
  • very good knowledge (two bonus steps in final grade).

If the pre-exam is passed, no retry is possible. Students from last year can earn a bonus by passing the pre-exams for this year.

Completion of the study achievements is a prerequisite for the written exam.

If you want to deregister from the complete course, deregister from exams, also deregister from "Studienleistung" (study achievements), before study achievement results are entered in PAUL (end of January).

Students have to pass one of the written exams.

  • First exam: February 2022 (tentative date: 18.02.2022)
  • Second exam: March 2022 (tentative date: 25.03.2022)

Examination opportunities are only available this semester and next winter semester.

The written exam includes the search part and the planning part and it lasts 120 minutes (6CP), resp. it includes the search part only and lasts 90 minutes (4CP) . If a written exam is passed, no retry is possible.

The overall grade results from the grade of the exam with crediting of the pre-exam. (One bonus step for good pre-exams, two bonus steps for very good pre-exams; e.g., a grade of the written examination 2.7 and very good pre-exam (two bonus steps) result in an overall grade of 2.0, a grade of the written examination 2.7 and good pre-exam (one bonus step) in an overall grade of 2.3, a grade of the written examination 2.7 and a pre-exam results without bonus (no bonus steps) in an overall grade of 2.0.)