Planning and Heuristic Search (PHS WS 2021/22)

This semester is the last time this course will be offered. Examination opportunities are only available this semester and next winter semester.


  • Planned dates for written exams:
    • First exam: February 2022 (tentative date: 18.02.2022)
    • Second exam: March 2022 (tentative date: 25.03.2022)
  • Exact start and end times of classes:
    • lecture class: Fridays from 08:15h-10:45h (15 min. break) in lecture hall D2.
    • tutorial class 1: Mondays from 14:15h-10:45h in lecture hall O2
    • tutorial class 2: Wednesdays from 09:15h-10:45h in lecture hall D2.
  • First tutorial on Monday, Oct. 18, 2021 ./  Wednesday, Oct.20, 2021.
  • First lecture on Friday, Oct. 15, 2021.

Cour­se Con­tent

Currently, the lecture slide script consists of more than 650 slides. A reasonable exam preparation is therefore only possible if the material is worked on already during the course and the exercises are solved.