Wel­come to the Com­puter En­gin­eer­ing Group!

Our general field of activity is the hardware-software interface of modern computing systems. The increasing heterogeneity of design goals and emerging technologies require constant innovation at the hardware-software interface. We are interested in the design and evaluation of novel computer architectures, the development of design methods and tools, and in prototypical application design for embedded and high-performance computing systems. Currently, our research focuses on the three areas reconfigurable computing, self-* computing systems, and approximate computing.  

In teaching, we run 1st and 2nd year Bachelor courses in digital design and computer architecture. For 3rd year Bachelor, Master and PhD students, we offer courses, seminars and projects related to embedded systems, computer architecture, hardware/software co-design and reconfigurable computing.

On these web pages, you will find information about us and our research and teaching efforts. Please use the navigation menu at the top.


Muhammad Awais et al. receive a distinction for their work on the DeepApprox framework

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Muhammad Awais et al. present the DeepApprox framework for approximate accelerator synthesis

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Ahmed et al. introduce a novel Trojan attack in FPGAs.

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