
Ar­tic­le on Self-Awa­re Cy­ber-Phy­si­cal Sys­tems

In an upcoming article on Self-ware Cyber-physical Systems, published in the ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, a team of experts in computational self-awareness makes the case for the new class of Self-aware Cyber-physical Systems and attempts to lay out a corresponding research agenda. The experts are Kirstie Bellman and Christopher Landauer from Topcy House Consulting, Nikil Dutt from University of California at Irvine, Lukas Esterle and Peter R. Lewis from Aston University, Andreas Herkersdorf from TU Munich, Axel Jantsch and Nima TaheriNejad from TU Vienna, Marco Platzner from Paderborn University, and Kalle Tammemäe from Tallinn University of Technology.