
Pro­ject group Au­to­nom­ROS suc­cess­ful­ly com­ple­ted

The project group AutonomROS successfully completed their work with their final presentation on March 27, 2023. A group of eight students (Mathis Brede, Daniel Karger, Kevin Koch, Dalisha Logan, Janet Mazur, Alexander Nowosad, Alexander Schnelle, and Mohness Waizy) focussed on the development of an autonomous car swarm with hardware-accelerated ROS programming for two semesters. One key aspect was to demonstrate how FPGA-acceleration of specific functions used in autonomous driving, such as lane detection or obstacle detection, can be made available to applications designed with the robot operating system (ROS), a middleware layer widely-used in robotics. Part of the functionality of the autonomous cars is shown in this video