
Re­sea­rch ex­change with Po­li­tec­ni­co di Mi­la­no

We welcome Ettore Trainiti as a research exchange student in our working group. Ettore is currently finishing his Master’s degree at Politecnico di Milano. In this work that will become part of his thesis, Ettore will contribute to the <link http: _blank internal link in new>SAVE FP7 research project, in which we work jointly with the research groups of Marco Santambrogio and Cristiana Bolchini in Milan on novel runtime systems and just-in-time compilation for heterogeneous computing systems. Specifically, Ettore will investigate, how the just-in-time compilation system for GPUs and FPGAs can optimally interact with the runtime system, which allows to operate the heterogeneous system to optimize its performance and energy efficiency according to global and application-specific goals.