
Start of the SA­VE EU pro­ject

September 2013 saw the kick-off of an ambitious research project called “SAVE : Self-Adaptive Virtualisation-Aware High-Performance/Low-Energy Heterogeneous System Architectures”. SAVE aims to dynamically optimize workload assignments across system computation units operated simultaneously from several multicore operating systems. Funded by the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Program (FP7), the consortium consists of three academic and four industrial partners, including University of Paderborn. The team at University of Paderborn is lead by Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christian Plessl.

The SAVE consortium seeks to provide the necessary hardware, software and OS components that will facilitate dynamic exploitation of heterogeneous system computing units for performance and energy optimization. For more information on SAVE, please refer to the press release , our project flyer or the SAVE project website (