
Tobias Graf won two gold and one silver medal at the Computer Olympiad in Leiden.

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Paul Kaufmann will report on the IEEE Educational Material Subcommittee on July, the 21st, at the IEEE EDUCOM in Vancouver, Canada.

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Marco Platzner co-authors an invited presentation on programming models for reconfigurable manycores at ReCoSoC 2016.

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We welcome Ines Ghribi from Carthage University for a two-months research stay.

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Tobias Wiersema and Marco Platzner got their conference paper accepted at ReCoSoC 2016.

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Tobias Wiersema et al. got their article accepted for publication in CAEE.

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We have overhauled our website to match the university’s corporate design.

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Alexander Boschmann et al. got their conference paper accepted at BHI 2016.

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Alexander Boschmann et al. won the Best Paper Award at the conference ReConFig 2015.

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Alexander Boschmann et al. got their conference paper accepted at ReConFig 2015.

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Tobias Graf and Marco Platzner won the Best Paper Award at the conference Advances in Computer Games 2015 and several medals at the Computer Olympiad.

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We welcome Ettore Trainiti as a research exchange student in our working group.

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Paul Kaufmann got his conference paper accepted at GECCO 2015.

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Tobias Wiersema et al. got their conference paper accepted at ARC 2015.

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Gavin Vaz et al. received the best paper award at ReConFig 2014.

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