Open top­ics for Mas­ter's and Bach­el­or's theses

Currently, we are offering the following topics for Bachelor's and Master's thesis topics. If you have a specific interest or a concrete idea for a topic related that is a aligned to the research areas of our group, we will be happy to discuss your ideas and defined a suitable thesis topic on a case by case basis.

Please get in touch with the contact person stated in the table below for more details.

External theses: Our group maintains cooperations with academic and industrial research groups in Europa and beyond. We will also announce these possibilities below. Please note that we are not interested in supervising external Master's theses unless there is an established cooperation.

Pro­posed top­ics


Project Type


New topics announced for winter term 2023    
An Interactive Julia Interface for FPGAs BSc/MSc Marius Meyer
Efficient FPGA-to-FPGA Collective Communication in ACCL BSc/MSc Marius Meyer
Floating-Point Number De/Compression on CPUs BSc/MSc Robert Schade
Machine Learning for Electron-Repulsion Integrals MSc Robert Schade
Analysis of Bit-level Operations on FPGAs BSc Tobias Kenter
FireSim: FPGA-accelerated full-system hardware simulation BSc/MSc Heinrich Riebler
Older open topics    

FPGA Acceleration of Shallow Water Simulations (follow up project to a recently completed thesis possible)


Tobias Kenter

Targeted Overclocking on FPGAs


Michael Laß

Higher-Order Submatrix Methods


Robert Schade

Inter-Node Multi-GPU Performance Benchmarks


Lukas  MazurCarsten Bauer, Christian Plessl

Detection of Pathological HPC Jobs (automated runtime and post-execution analysis, instrumentation, monitoring)


Christian Plessl


Re­cently Com­pleted Pro­jects


Project Type


MPI Communication Benchmarking with Julia


Carsten Bauer, Christian Plessl

Profiling and Optimization of Energy Efficiency of Deep Neural Network Inference on FPGA


Christian Plessl

Tomasulo Simulator Web Application


Heinrich Riebler, Christian Plessl

Entwicklung und Optimierung eines Designs zur Berechnung der Autokorellationsfunktion auf FPGAs


Tobias Kenter

Checkpointing and Restarting of HPC Computations


Lukas Mazur

Sparse BiCGSTAB Solver Library Implementation for Intel and Xilinx FPGAs


Tobias Kenter

HPC Job-Data Analysis


Robert Schade, Christian Plessl

Massively Parallel 4D Stencil Computations in Julia


Carsten Bauer, Lukas Mazur, Christian Plessl